Rise of Alfalfa in the South
Think you couldn’t grow alfalfa reliably, in the SouthEast? Don’t waste good land for low-quality hay. Find out how you can increase yield and produce higher protein feed.
GeorgiaTwine has had a long relationship with Dr. Hancock and the University of Georgia. Check out the latest from georgiaforages.com. He has compiled a great set of resources for forage producers.
Think your hay is the best?
Prove it! Enter your hay in the 2023 Southeastern Hay Contest. Georgia Twine has proudly supported this event for years. Seven categories in various forages.
Cut Forage Loss Substantially
Todd Bengen estimates his family has improved dry matter recovery by three percentage points on their bunkers of corn silage, alfalfa haylage and earlage – just by fine-tuning covering strategies.